Lancaster Chapter

Updated 2/17/19

Chapter Directory Head Field Judge Duties LLL Rules (Plus Championship Meet Rules LLL Rules (Plus Championship Meet Rules) This page Pictures of Chapter Officials

Lancaster-Lebanon Chapter Members! Please check the Directory for additions & corrections

Chapter Officers
Office Name Email Home Phone Address
President Nancy E White 717.371.3575
1650 Mockingbird Ln. Manheim PA
Secretary Theodore Zellers 717.291.9767
1871 Wickersham Ln. Lancaster PA 17603 717.291.9767
Treasurer Theodore F Fitzgerald 717.569.8196
164 E Roseville Rd Lancaster PA 17601
Interpreter James L. Frey Jr. 717.367.1801
34 Locust Dr Elizabethtown PA 17022
Assigner Thomas Engleman 717.733.7430
916 Dawn Ave Ephrata PA 17522

Lancaster-Lebanon Chapter Roster
Name Address City   Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Home email Work email
Anttonen Judith 430 Spring Drive Millersville PA 17551 717.872.8810
Anttonen Ralph 430 Spring Drive Millersville PA 17551 717.872.8810
Ausel Craig 410 Quarry Place Quarryville PA 17566 717.786.3499 717.519.7058 717.656.2068
Bowers William 309 Pearl St.,
Lancaster PA 17603 717.393.0975  
Bradley David E. 398 Shaub Rd. Strasburg PA 17579 717.687.5355
Bradley Jeffrey 1216 Mill Mar Rd Lancaster PA 17601 717.898.2120
Brooks E. Jerry PO Box 16 Silver Spring PA 17575 717.285.4432  
Cameron Paul 12 Justin Court Lititz PA 17543 717-627-3147  
Clausen Thomas R 111 Plum St Lititz PA 17543 717.626.4103
Cowan John D 270 Whitechapel Rd. Lancaster PA 17603 717.481.9990
Doane John W 300 Willow Valley Lake Dr. No. A 208 Willow Street PA 17584 717.464.3194  
Engleman Thomas 916 Dawn Ave Ephrata PA 17522 717.733.7430  
Ernst Robert E 352 Ashford Dr Lancaster PA 17601  
Finkbiner Chris 917 East Oak St. Palmyra PA 17078   717.507.8344 717.273.8871x547  
Fitzgerald Theodore F 164 E Roseville Rd Lancaster PA 17601 717.569.8196
Fleischer Neil 829 Cedar Crest Dr Lebanon PA 17048 717.273.8913
Frey, Jr James L 34 Locust Dr Elizabethtown PA 17022 717.367.1801
Gerber George A 640 E. Queen St. Annville PA 17003 717.867.2515
Gerhart Karen 408 Little pond Ln. Lebanon PA 17062 717.272.3246 717.348.0646  
Hayes Peg 332 Ridge Road Elizabethtown PA 17022 717.367.1591 717.598.3003 717.664.1828
Hess Robert 20 Gwen Cir. Marietta PA 17547 717.426.3375 717.875.3320  
Huckleberry Ed 34 Stoney Run Village Denver PA 17517 717.335.2427        
Klick Kirby 23 Tyler Dr. Ephrata PA 17522 717.738.3005        
Natula Tiffany 1630 Magnolia Drive Lancaster PA 17602   267.307.5201  
Kurtz Brad 379 Cobblestone Lane Lancaster PA 17601   717.682.8378  
Laudenslager Chris 225 Village Spring Ln. Reinholds PA 17569 717.335.2062
Lyons Scott 1327 E. Walnut St. Annville PA 17003 717.867.0735
Martin Derrick 1911 Birchwood St. East Earl PA 17519 717.445.5925 717.468.7516  
Martin Paul C #18 Stoneridge Cr Ephrata PA 17522  
Nardello Anthony 132 Hollow Rd. New Providence PA 17560 717.786.1371  
Overmeyer George 3627 Keen Ave. Mountville PA 17554 717.522.1382  
Portser Charles 5835 Geneva Dr. E.Petersburg PA 17520   717.475.8878      
Resh George 767 Barrcrest Ln Lancaster PA 17603-2304 717.397.1906  
Rhine Robert F 410 E Evergreen Rd Lebanon PA 17042 717.273.8985
Roth John 305 Windgate Court Millersville PA 17551   914.434.0736  
Roth Justina 305 Windgate Court Millersville PA 17551   914.434.0740  
Smith E.J. 166 Oxford Rd. Annville PA 17003 717.838.2149 908.247.7547 717.867.6183  
Slaseman Robert W 410 Locust St. Columbia PA 17512 717.684.6028
Stroup Jr. George 1282 Crestview Dr Denver PA 17517-9167 717.507.0527
Thomas Dale 1591 Emerson Dr. Mt. Joy PA 17552 717.492.9877
Trump Louise 6 Central Drive Newmanstown PA 17073  
Trump Robert 6 Central Drive Newmanstown PA 17073  
Waggoner John 22A Birch Dr Willow Street PA 17584 717.464.0444
Weaver Jim 217 W. Swatara Ln. Jonestown PA 17038 717.865.5337  
White Nancy E 1650 Mockingbird Ln. Manheim PA 17545-9727 717.627.2224


Witmer Mervin 40 Circle Dr. Ephata PA 17522 717.733.4398 717.572.5398  
Witmer Steven E 354 Snyder Hollow.Road New Providence PA 17560 717.283.4723
Zellers Theodore 1871 Wickersham Ln. Lancaster PA 17603 717.291.9767 717.283.3703 717.394.0665  

Green shading indicates some of the former members that are no longer listed by the PIAA as active officials
This information does not always agree with the PIAA list
. It will be upgraded after our mandatory meeting.

Instructions for Head Field Judges

Responsibilities of Head Field Judge

ART. 1 The field referee or the head field judge shall have jurisdiction over all judges in the field events; shall measure, weigh and inspect the implements and apparatus; check records; and see that the field events start on time and continue without delay.

ART 2 The head field judge is also responsible for checking and certifying event cards for all field events before the cards are given to the scorer and shall report any irregularity to the referee for a final decision.

ART. 7 The event judge's decisions, approved by the field referee or the head field judge, shall be final and without appeal except for possible action taken by the referee or by the jury of appeals, whoever is so designated as the final board of appeals.

Suggestions- -for Head Field Judge

1 .Know, your rules for all field events.
2. Arrive at meet site 45 minutes to hour before meet time.
3 . Check all field event areas:

a. Be especially concerned about polevault and high jump pits. Check for proper protection outside of the landing area.

(1) Make sure standards are workable and set correctly.

(2) Do not allow any vaulters to use the runway until their coach gives you the properly signed form for the vaulters. If the event judge is not there, you must check contestants and their poles to verify weight and proper Pole before allowing them to use the runway.

b. Check the three throwing areas for safety and proper sector markings.

(1) Proper toe board in Shot.
(2) Cage for Discus.
(3) Scratch line arc and radius for javelin.

c. Look over the long jump and triple jump facilities.

(1) Make sure pit is dug and leveled.
(2) Check take off boards or painted lines.
(3) Use a marker to indicate triple jump take off board.

4 . Once competition has started, walk to each area and observe the event. If you notice anything that is not being done properly, talk privately with the event judge and explain your concern and correct the situation.

5. You may wish to make copies of the rules for field events and present them to the official of that event. They appreciate this for many have never officiated or received little or no instruction.

6. Be on hand to check final results of competition, especially ties in high jump and pole vault.

7 . Remain at meet until final field event is completed and checked.

8 . Verify any records that are set.

9 . Keep referee aware of any problems, as he or she makes all final decisions.

Sample Throwing Event Instructions

A. General Rules

1. Each competitor shall be allowed three preliminary trials unless the games committee (meet director) choses four & done.
2. When preliminaries are held, one or more competitors than there are scoring places may qualify for the finals.
3. All competitors tying for the last position shall be finalists.
4. Following the preliminaries, final competition in these events shall be in reverse order of performance , with the best qualifier
going last. Each performer is entitled to three final throws.
5. Breaking ties by going to the 2nd and or 3rd best throws.
6. To obtain a better grip, competitors are permitted to use chalk or other adhesive or similar substances such as rosin on their hands during competition (unless common implements are used).
7. Taping of any part of the hands or fingers shall not be permitted unless there is an open wound that must be protected by tape. Taping of the wrist is permissible.
8. Check implements for imperfections.
9. After entering the circle or javelin run up lane, a contestant may wipe off the implement with a towel than discard the towel outside the ring or sector lines.
10. Measurement in the shot is to the lesser 1/4 inch. In the javelin and discus to the lesser inch.
11. Make sure tape is pulled through the center of the circle or arc and is straight and tight.

B. Discus

It is a foul if the competitor:
1. After stepping into the circle , fails to pause before starting to throw.
2. After stepping into the circle touches the circle not including the inner face of the band, if one is used, the top of the circle line or the ground outside the circle during the throw.
3. Throws the discus so it does not fall within the sector lines.
4. A discus which hits the cage and\or an object outside the sector before landing within the sector.
5. Is not under control before exiting the back half of the circle.
6. Leaves the circle before the implement has landed and the judge calls "mark".
7. Fails to initiate a trial that is carried to completion within the 1 minutes after being called.

C. Shot Put

It is a foul if the competitor:
1. After stepping into the circle, fails to pause before starting the put.
2. After stepping into the circle, touches the circle, not including the inner face of the stopboard or the band if one is used, or the ground outside the circle during a put.
3. Allow the shot to drop behind or below the shoulder during the put attempt..
4. Touches the top or end of the stopboard during or after the put.
5. Puts the shot so it does not fall within the sector.
6. Is not under control before exiting the back half of the circle.
7. Leaves the circle before the shot has landed and the judge calls "mark".
8. Fails to initiate a trial that is carried to completion within the 1 minutes after being called.

D. Javelin

It is a foul if the competitor:
1. Makes a 360 degree turn before the javelin is released.
2. Uses a delivery other than an overarm above-the-shoulder motion of the throwing arm.
3. Throws the javelin so it does not fall within the sector lines.
4. Touches on or over either the runway lines or on or over the scratch line arc before the throw is marked.
5. Fails to hold the javelin by the whipcord grip.
6. Fails to remain in the runway until the implement has landed and the judge calls "mark".
7. Fails to exit the runway behind the scratch-line arc after the javelin has landed.
8. Fails to initiate a trial that is carried to completion within the 1 minutes after being called.

Long Jump & Triple Jump

A. General Rules

1. Take off board shall be between 8 inches (minimun) and 24 inches (maximum) in width.
2. Pit should be level and even with take off board or runway.
3. Each legal jump shall be measured perpendicular to the scratch line or its extension from the scratch line to the mark in the pit. Measure to the nearest lesser 1/4 inch.
4. A marker shall not be placed on the runway or in the landing pit. But may be placed outside the runway or pit.
5. When preliminaries are held, one or more competitors than there are scoring places shall qualify for the finals. They will jump in the reverse order of performance with the best qualifier going last.

B. It is a foul if the competitor:

1. Allows his/her shoe to extend over the scratch line or make a mark in front of it on the takeoff.
2. Runs across the scratch line extended.
3. In the long jump does not keep his/her head in the superior position, no somersault.
4. In the triple jump in hopping does not land on the same foot used in the takeoff, or in stepping does not land on the other foot from which the jump is performed.
5. In the process of landing or leaving the pit, touches the ground outside the landing nearer the scratch line than the nearest mark made in the landing pit.
6. Fails to initiate a trial that is carried to completion within the 1 minuter after being called.

C. In the triple jump

1. Have each contestant indicate which takeoff board they will use for the event. Then place a marker at that board when the athlete is called up.

High Jump

A. Inspect the padded area
1. All hard unyielding surfaces covered with at least 2 inches of dense form,

B. Starting Height
1. Specified by games committee.
2. Raise the bar 2 inch intervals (Unless specified by the games committee). Also last competitor has choice

C. Initiation of Jump
1. 1 minutes
2. When there are 2-3 competitors remaining
a. 3 minutes
b. when 1 remains - 5 minutes
c. 2 Minutes - consectutive jumps

D. Standards
1. The base of the standards shall not be moved during the competition, and its position should be marked with tape prior to the start of competition.

E. Crossbar
1. Mark one face of the crossbar to assure the replaced bar is placed exactly as it was positioned on the standard before being displaced.

F. Warm-ups
1. After passing 3 consecutive heights without the bar in place and only at height change. Must enter competition at this height.
note: must notify event judge of pass before time starts.

G. Markers
1. Specified by games committee.

H. It is a foul of the competitor
1. Displaces the crossbar in an attempt to clear it.
2. Touches the ground or landing area beyond the plane of the crossbar or crossbar extended without clearing the bar.
3. After clearing the bar contacts the upright and displaces the crossbar or steadies the bar.
4. Fails to initiate a trial attempt that is carried to completion within the defined time period after being called.
5. Fails (total body) to go over the bar.
6. Does not take off on one foot.

I. Breaking Ties for First Place
1. Fewest number of trials for tied height or,
2. Fewest total number of unsuccessful trials throughout the competition .
3. Tied competitors (for first place) must jump once more at the failed height and if needed lower/raise bar in 1 inch intervals until winner is determined.
4. A competitor shall be credited with his/her best achievement if it occurs in a jump off for first place.

Reminder - passed trials shall not count as missed.

Note: Use a key for recording jumps: Example P = Passed
--------------------------------------------------------- X = Failed
--------------------------------------------------------- O = Cleared

Pole Vault

Inspect the padded area

All hard and unyielding surfaces must be covered with at least 2" of dense foam

Absolutely No warmups or jumps prior to having the poles inspected and verified as legal equipment. ( PIAA Verification Form).

Coaches responsibility to verify legal pole and competitor's weight
No Training poles are to be used in warmups or competition.

Starting Height

Girls 6' and boys 9' & 6" increments recommended for LL League (both are determined by games committee). Both coaches agree.

Initiation of Jumps

Time starts after sandards are set

.Unsuccessful Trials

Breaking ties for first place


Use following key for scoring event

Track and Field League Meet
Guidelines and Criteria
Implement at 2003 League Track Meet (revised 2/22/10)

    1. Starting Heights:
      1. Girls’ H.J.—4’ 4”
      2. Boys’ H.J.—5’ 4”

                                    (High Jump increased by 2’” increments until winner declared, at
                                     that point winner may decide increase)

      1. Girls’ P.V.—7’ 0”
      2. Boys’ P.V.—9’ 6”

                                    (Pole Vault increase by 6” increments until winner declared, at
                                     that point winner may decide increase)

    1. Heat Sizes:
      1. 4X800—If 16 teams, or less, are entered, one heat. If more, then 12 teams in the seeded heat and the remainder in the 1st heat.
        1. This will be run in two lane alleys with one turn stagger.
          1. Alley One – 2, 3, 6,7,10,11,14,15
          2. Alley Two – 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16
      2. 800—12 runners in the seeded heat and a maximum of 16 in the other heat. If more than 16, then 12 in the second heat and the remainder in the slow heat.
        1. This will be run in two lane alleys with one turn stagger.
          1. Alley One – 2,3,6,7, 10,11, 14,15
          2. Alley Two – 1,4,5,8,9,12, 13,16
      3. 1600—15 runners in the seeded heat and the remainder in the 1st heat.
        1. This will be run in waterfalls as follows: One in lanes 5-8 with a one-turn stagger and a full eight-lane waterfall at the common start to accommodate the larger number of runners. Approximately two-thirds of the runners would be in the common start waterfall with the remaining lanes 5-8 waterfall.
          1. Alley One –  2,3,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15
          2. Alley Two – 1,4,5,8,9
      4. 3200—If 24 runners or less are entered, one heat. If more, then 15 in the seeded heat and the remainder in the 1st heat.
        1. This will be run in waterfalls as follows: One in lanes 5-8 with a one-turn stagger and a full eight-lane waterfall at the common start to accommodate the larger number of runners. Approximately two-thirds of the runners would be in the common start waterfall with the remaining lanes 5-8 waterfall.
          1. Alley One – 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
          2. Alley Two – 1,4,5,8,9,12,13,16


    1. Heat sizes should be adjusted for late scratches to comply with the above standards. For instance, if 26 runners are initially entered in the 3200, then two heats of 15 and 11, respectively, shall be run. However, if late scratches cause the number to drop to 24 or below, then only one heat shall be run. (This will only be used for the 4X800 relay, 800, 1600, and 3200 races, not for sprints or sprint relays.)
    2. The Lancaster Lebanon League Championship Meet will be operated as a scratch meet.  (If an athlete scratches from an event, they may participate in later events they are signed in for).

Adopted February 22, 2010

Note: socks are no longer prt of the uniform

This Counter started 12/05/05